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Friday, October 2, 2009

Turning Emotional Crap Into Emotional Creativity

I did some thinking on my commute to work this morning after a night of some emotional crap, a bunch of things coming together along with drinks only makes things worse. And so, I sat down and turned the emotional crap into emotional creative. I'm coining this phrase. It is no wonder why some of the best ideas, most heartfelt songs and other creative masterpieces are derived from artists feeling intense emotions. We are but walking emoticons in a world full of emotions. I'll admit I've never been the best at expressing how I'm feeling. But I'm getting better at that everyday and nothing feels better than sitting down and creating something for someone else. So that's what I did. And I think it came out pretty well. Does it change things? No, not really. So take any emotional crap that you may be carrying around with you today and turn it into something else, something you are proud of.

This sort of ties into this whole Letterman fiasco. I missed the show but my former boss, in a way, turned his emotional crap into emotional creativity on the show last night. Letterman said that he has been the victim of an extortion attempt over charges of sexual affairs with staff members, claims that he said were true. Dave is a genius when it comes to serious matters although I'm sure the audience didn't see this coming and probably thought he may have been setting them up for a punchline. Actually, this is more like Dave just laying the emotional crap on the table for everyone.

"There's no business like show business. No business I know."

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