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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pedestrian Rage

I witnessed pedestrian rage this morning. Some people like watching people fight, but it usually leaves me with a feeling of uneasiness. A guy in a suit that wasn't a perfect fit, was crossing the street when a car made a right and cut him off. He banged his fist on the trunk and continued walking. It wasn't until the guy caught up with the Beemer who was dropping off his wife that the fight ensued. The cops got involved and there was much confrontation. On top of this, commuters were being bombarded by annoying volunteers reminding us to vote for so and so and what's her name.

I love the politicians who stand right by the steps to the PATH with an extended hand. First of all, am I going to shake your hand when you've been shaking hands with people all morning? I don't think so. Second, I'm trying to get to work and it's nice to see you in person but I don't know you and I don't trust you. Want my vote? How about you break up that fight over there.

This just in, I'm listening to Ray Charles' Genius Loves's so good.

In Letterman news, a female staff writer who worked on the show when they were at NBC is now speaking out about the sexually charged work atmosphere. I won't comment on anything here but I'll just say that I will not argue against her although I do feel she is trying to use this to get attention because after all, that's what writers, heck, all of us want right?

Did you have breakfast? If so, you might not want to see the world's scariest foods.

Get excited!!

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