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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Century 21

Every day, I get a call from the realtor at Century 21, James, telling me that he and his partner whose name I cannot recall at the moment will be showing my apartment. I used to take out a mouse trap when the apartment was shown out of annoyance but now I find myself trying to straighten up the place which basically means throwing the heap of clothes from my floor to my bed and then at night, the reverse. So far, these are the most aggressive realtors and the landlord has gone through quite a few. Perhaps it has something to do with the building.

I did a lot of thinking last night and this morning. It was a night of brainstorming. Putting everything into perspective and visualizing next steps. They say creative visualization works, yes? We'll see.

Leave it to the Post to come up with this headline. That actress washed that stage manager right out of her hair.

NYU student gets food stamps and more will follow.

(skip to 4:53)

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