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Thursday, November 29, 2007


As of now, it looks as though I won't be headed to Sundance this year. The lineup has been announced and there are some great looking films. Maybe I'll be crazy and just book a flight out there.

Speaking of films, they were filming something in Washington Square Park this morning. They set up a platform and there were picket signs that read something like "Moms fighting fat" but don't quote me on that as I was still in a sleepy daze.

Just before I came across the filming, I was assaulted. I'm not sure the guy was completely homeless but he had a scar running across his entire face. I saw him approach someone else and tried getting to the other side of the street but he ran after me and attached himself to my arm. I picked up my walking pace and he wouldn't let go. Should I run? Scream? Hop? Skip? He was talking a mile a minute about my positive aura and how he was in a relationship and it didn't work out because the woman said he was too negative and god bless me and then he asked me for money. He let go first and then asked me for money. I told him I didn't have anything and then he walked away. It was weird. I kept my hands in my pockets so that he wouldn't shake my hand. So if you see him approaching....start jogging.

Don't you hate sitting all day at work? Me too! I try to get up out of my chair as often as possible and here's a reason why we should all just stand up!

'Tis the season to be Merry...I love getting holiday party invites!

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