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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ron Chevalier

Move over Montauk Monster, there's a new kid in town. Between this and the body that washed up on the Coney Island beach, I might think twice about going into the water this summer.

I don't know why I hadn't heard of Ron Chevalier before I watched Choke, the film adaptation of Chuck Palahniuk's novel. After the previews there was a short teaser with Ron Gevalier, played by none other than Jermaine Clement! You know what a huge Flight of the Conchords fan I am, so you can only imagine how excited I was to learn about this Ron Chevalier character. And who exactly is behind this? Jared Hess of course. He's brought us Napoleon Dynamite and Nacho Libre. And now, I introduce you to Dr. Ronald Chevalier.

Dr. Ronald Chevalier - Inspiring Oneself

And be sure to visit his website.

A NJ man thought it would be a good idea to steal, whaaa? Lobster tails? Sir, are there 91 lobster tails in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

Chef Mario Batali will voice the role of 'Rabbit' in Anderson's upcoming animated film Fantastic Mr. Fox, an adaptation of the Roald Dahl book. This is appropriate because Mario's favorite dish: Rabbit Stew. Being that I am a Roald Dahl and Anderson fan, I am interested to see this trailer which is due out in a couple of weeks.

All you muppet fans, test out your knowledge.

I know you think often about weird businesses. Well, here's a list of some.

I am super excited that the NJ State Fair is coming up. Who wants to come with me? A good time is guaranteed.

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