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Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's Going To Be An 80's Weekend

If you haven't heard already this weekend is going to be in the mid 80's so break out the shorts and sunscreen. I am really looking forward to the summer. People out and about, weekend trips to Vermont, summer vacation, lemonade, garage sales, BBQs, the beach...

Okay, so high schoolers are breaking up with each other over text messages. But how about this story, about a guy who divorced his wife over a text message.

Just another reason to love Fox News...

I haven't been keeping up with American Idol but watched the other night. I haven't read what people are saying nor do I really care but I do think Adam Lambert is my pick to win.

Here's another extremely entertaining video courtesy of Vimeo.

subprime from beeple on Vimeo.

I love coming upon odd products, well Vibram now has five toed shoes??!!

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