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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Letterman Apology

I was hoping to get to bed earlier than I did last night, but I was determined to work on project Tapenade and I did. While I usually work in a quiet place I decided to turn on Letterman to see if he was going to say anything and he did. Not to mention Steve Martin was on and I wouldn't miss a Dave/Steve interaction, especially right now. For the first half of the show I was mesmorized. It's a Dave we have never seen before, his whole being exposed. Gone are the days of confined and hidden Dave. He's out there now. It's very upsetting though. Watching him apologize to his staff and to his wife. Like he said, "he has a lot of work to do." I'm sure the staff over there are being bombarded by the press and it can't be fun.

Ba dum...da dum...da da da da da....

I usually will post robot stories on here because let's face it, who doesn't enjoy hearing about a new robot...especially when the robot can sing. Watch out!

Our friends at Improv Everywhere were at it again, this time, walking their invisible dogs around Brooklyn. Take a look.

Looks like I missed this year's NYC Medieval Festival. And judging from video from last year, it's quite the spectacle.

Of Mice and Men.

I'll let Seth Green have the last word:

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