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Monday, October 26, 2009

Credit Card Crazy

I heard on the news this morning that for the first time, the use of Debit Cards has exceeded that of credit cards. This was followed by a conversation about how credit card companies are going to screw us even more with new fees. For example, if you are someone who pays your bill in full each month, companies are starting to issue annual fees because they aren't making money from any interest you would be gaining otherwise. That's messed up. The other thing that was mentioned is that people who don't hit a certain spending amount each month will also be charged a fee. If they think they are going to get away with this, well, they probably will.

Did you have a good weekend? I did, despite feeling like I have been fighting something. Probably should have gone to the doctor but I figured sleep and a lot of tea and vitamin C would help and it has.

I used to get my previous car oil changed at Jiffy Lube. As I pulled my car into the garage I always thought about the car going into the open area in the floor. Well, I guess it does happen.

Short post this morning. And we're off....

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