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Friday, November 2, 2007

Wakeup Call

Here's a way to gain voters and make sure people are at home when you call for their support.

It's 2 a.m. Do you know whom you're voting for?

That question confronted 3,000 voters across Peekskill, Cortlandt and Yorktown who were jarred awake by a campaign call for Democrat Domenic Volpe. Volpe is seeking to unseat county Legislator George Oros, R-Cortlandt, in Tuesday's election.

Way to go Volpe!

I'm so glad it's Friday. I'm so glad we get to turn the clocks back this weekend. I'm so glad THanksgiving is around the corner. I'm so glad.

Have you heard about Mighty Mice?

Scientists at Case Western Reserve University have genetically engineered mice that outrun, outlive, and out-eat ordinary mice while staying lean, light, and fertile well into old age.

Chalk it up to a change in a single gene.

That genetic tweak boosted levels of an enzyme called PEPCK-C in the mice's skeletal muscles, knocking mice's muscle metabolism into orbit.

"They are metabolically similar to Lance Armstrong biking up the Pyrenees," researcher Richard Hanson, PhD, says in a news release.

Yes, but can they fly? Who would have thought they would be comparing mice to Lance Armstrong.

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